Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adventuring: Sunset Bay

If anyone has been to the coast off of Charleston, Oregon they have been to Sunset Bay. I can also add, anyone who has grown up in Coos Bay/North Bend has been to Sunset Bay. It is an easy to find, beautiful place that offers rock exploring, tide-pools, sand volley-ball, a camp ground, and a bit more. What I love about it is that it is a great starting point to a maze of connecting trails that extend all the way to the Cape Arago State Park. For the Sunset Bay Loop start at the trail head by the southern bathrooms. There is a map at this spot, so it's a great place to collect yourself and decide just where you will head to. Continue on this trail following it up and around the cliffs, ending back on the road at the entrance to Norton Gulch. To complete this "loop" just retrace your steps back to your car. I know, it's not really a loop, but with all the little side trails to explore it feels like one!

Sunset Bay Trails

Thursday, May 16, 2013


I probably should start my posting comeback with an upbeat "look what I have been adventuring" post, but today I am feeling *Ugh* and a bit unattractive so basically, "ugh-ly". I am sure I can list an easy ten things I can start doing tomorrow to bring back the perky lets grab life by the horns and ride me, but today I will allow myself to wallow in the Ugh-liness of it all.

To catch you up with myself the past -way too long-. I turned 40 (post to follow). I went on a cruise (post to follow). I decided to stay in Coos Bay and moved in to a cute duplex more downtown (I can post about that). I got hired to ICU (I would post, but since there is this thing called HIPPA and I want to keep my job). I started my training to become a Master Food Preserver (I am sure there will be many posts in the coming years to laugh at my adventures with this). I finish my BSN in 6 weeks- 3 days- yes I'm counting down.

But today I am feeling the effects of too little sleep, too little exercise, and too much food. So I will wallow in my Ugh-lyness today, and work towards a better tomorrow- tomorrow.