Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Fabulous 40!

Yes this year I was inducted into the "40" age bracket!! In truth, besides being excited that it was a birthday I could promote and make a big deal out of, it really wasn't a big deal. Turning 40 wasn't a big deal I mean. I did not magically age and grow excessive gray hair. I did not add more wrinkles overnight. And now when I proudly tell people I am 40 I get a kick out of the "no way"! "I thought you were closer to 30"! Yes, you can keep those comments coming! Reality though. I do have moments of a little despair when I think of the things I have not accomplished by the age of 40, but that is life!

To celebrate I took a drive up the Oregon Coast, hiking and exploring the beautiful countryside.
The morning started with an early morning foggy hike to the backside of Heceta Head Lighthouse.
 Next was a hike around Cape Perpetua near Yahachts.
 The first day ended with Lincoln City where I luckily found a collectors glass float!
 Day two started with a beautiful, yet eerie hike of Cape Lookout near Tillamook
 Followed by exploring the ruins of the Peter Iridale at Fort Stevens State Park.
This day ended with meeting up with friends in Seaside to watch them surf and to play with the starfish!
After that my birthday adventures head to Astoria. I'll post about that in another post!


Darilyn said...

You are a fab 40 girl! Love the pictures.

Prism said...

Congratulations on a big birthday! Since I am a year ahead of you, what I can share is: so far, I am LOVING my forties! I am feeling so settled into who I really am--I can be content with the good parts and patient with the things I want to change. I have better perspective on how time truly flies past, so I am trying to live more conciously. Also, I put up with a lot less crap! I just realized I AM a grownup, and I don't have to deal with the negativity!

Also, I love your beautiful photography (not one of my gifts!), and it reminds me of a beautiful vacation to Cannon Beach & Astoria.