Monday, April 4, 2016

Make new friends, but always keep the old!

In case you need a reminder I have moved over 40 times in my life. I am fortunate in that each time I moved I was able to make new friends and start new adventures. The hard part was saying goodbye to the friends I had made and hope and pray that we would stay in touch. This has not been easy. 

Keeping friendships alive over the miles can be a challenge. We physically may move and lose touch or mentally we may move apart with changing values or goals. I have found this true and sometimes mourn for past relationships that have grown apart and ended. 

This past year I have been blessed to be able to get in touch and rekindle friendships from days past. A kind of blending of my current life and progression here in Portland Oregon with some loving ties of friendships from my days in Maryland. 

Chey Brower and I met through the LDS institute program. She was an amazing instructor that inspired me to search deeper in the scriptures. Her understanding and love of the gospel radiated through her enabling her to help other young adults in their search for truth and meaning. She always had time to lend a listening ear and opened her heart and home to any in need. 

We were able to meet up again this winter here in Portland since her daughter Aubrey has moved here with her young family. 

Livia and I met also through the LDS institute program in Maryland. She was one of the first young adults to reach out to include me in activities and adventures. Her hometown was only a couple hours away in Virginia and we spent quit a few weekends there pestering her mamma and enjoying the country life. We have been able to rekindle our friendship since my move to Portland. Her adorable family is growing here in the PNW. Her mamma was even able to come visit after the birth of miss Georgette. 

Dan Mudget is another Maryland LDS institute friend. His family made a move from MD to Endland so I thought for sure I'd never see his face again. His military travels have taken him around the world and landed him in the PNW. It was a lovely surprise to hear from him again and meet his beautiful wife and family. 

It just shows that you never know how the people we meet will effect our lives. Some may be a flick of a memory while others are meant to be a flame of warm friendship forever! 

1 comment:

Darilyn said...

Love this post. Well written. Insightful. Lovely.