Sunday, March 2, 2008

Things I love!

I love the month of March, and since it holds my birthday I am therefore queen for the month of March. So have decided to periodically share things I love with you!

I love that blues skies appear more in March. It brings hope that spring is near. I love that St. Patrick's day is in March. Who couldn't love those little leprechauns. There is the anniversary of the organization of the RS, and sometimes we get to celebrate Easter! March is just great!


Darilyn said...

Okay, you have all these posts I haven't read. Obviously when chris set up my new blog feed he didn't include the ones under my family section.

McAffee said...

The other nice thing about March is its just two letters from being Marie who also has a March birthday. *smooch*

Whatdya say we throw ourselves a little virtual party!?