Monday, June 2, 2008

Like a Vampire....

Every day at work at the hospital I get to have a little chuckle to myself.

One of my tasks as a Patient Care Tech is to do blood draws. I still remember being nervous the first few times I stuck someone. Now I just waltz into the room with my little kit in hand and announce, "I'm here for a little blood!" I then proceed to set up my stuff with am impish smile on my face, and a chuckle inside. This chuckle comes from the fact that I cannot help but think to myself, "I like to draw blood, I do it well, like a vampire!"

I admit that this new boost of confidence has come from my recent completion of reading Stephenie Meyer's "Twilight" series again. Is this wrong? I have to think not since if I am enjoying it more my patients have to be also...right?

I love this series.

I am in anticipation of the next addition to the series. I am also quite curious about the significance of the book jacket cover.....


Anonymous said...

I'm not a chess player, but is that a white queen?

Darilyn said...

I am very excited for the next book to come out. I hear they will be having parties all over at bookstores for it. Should be a fun evening for all Twilight lovers out there.

Krista Lou Cook said...

Alright, so yesterday I went into Borders, grabbed the reprinted book with the additional chapter of Breaking Dawn and sat and read it. It was great to have a little snack before the book comes out in August!

Alisa said...

So I don't know if you know this, but I used to be a phlebotomist at Primary Children's Hospital in SLC. It's strange, but I completely relate to blood collection thing. I was a good Vampire.