I admit, and I may have admitted this before, I am a fair nerd. Growing up I started in 4-H as soon as I was old enough. I would spend my summers making projects for cooking, sewing, and other home ec. areas. I would also train one of my cows to tolerate me and let me lead it around. I was blessed with talent in theses areas and still have some of the trophies and ribbons I won. Luckily as grown-ups they still provide ways for us to use our skills and have friendly competitions. My focus is usually in the food preservation areas. Besides the Blue, Red, or White ribbons there are rainbow ribbons for special awards. You can also win the "best" in each category, as well as a few other special awards. A couple years ago my mom won the Best White Bread entry. The one I want, the one I am hoping to wrap my hands around this next year is: "The Queen of Canning". In order to achieve this the winner usually has well over 60 items entered. The 2011 winner entered 92. I have about 20 set aside at the moment, so I know I have my work cut out for me! But a goal is a goal and for now I shall, Can On!
It all looks so gorgeous. I can't wait for you to be queen because that makes me the queen's sister, it's still royalty to me so I'll take it.
I love 4-H! I am eager to get the kids involved. I admire those who can. It is on my list of things to learn to do. I have great memories of helping my grandmother can string beans. I hope you become Queen.
I need to learn to can stuff. I know nothing....Where is a good place to start??
Dear Queen -
Please share!
A minion.
You are so amazing. It looks like you will be working hard you can do it.
HOLY COW! This post made me feel faint JUST LOOKING AT IT! I think you have, on hand, more canning than the grand total of all the stuff I have canned in my entire life. Big Sigh.
One word...
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