Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"The Burgh": Day Two

Today was a bit more slow and mellow. We started the morning going to the "Strip". This is an area along a street that has produce and other unique things for sale. Most of the markets and restaurants are open during the week. It is on the weekend thought that the outside vendors are there. A few of my favorites are: Enrique's Biscotti, Pennsylvania macaroni Co, Mancini's Bread Co and now a stand called Global Girl. I picked up a few fun things for myself and to share. We got a couple Mancini Peperoni rolls to eat with Richy later. We then decided that the overpowering of the pepperoni roll could not Waite and we should have a picnic at a park instead of the before planned venture to another famous restaurant.

When we got to the park we had a bit of a surprise. We had just set up our blanket and unwrapped our rolls when a petting soon truck rolled in. Needless to say we ended up packing up our stuff and moving a little more "upwind". But how many people can say they have had a petting zoo come to them?!

After the picnic we retired to the house for naps and to begin my reading of Harry Potter. Now that is a blog in itself!


Darilyn said...

sounds like a fun day. Ooooohhhh i love this last Harry Potter book. Although I have no idea how you read it so fast. I'm still reading and I've been reading for several days.

Darilyn said...

where is day 3? come on, i want to hear more

Krista Lou Cook said...

day three consisted of me finishing Harry Potter, sleeping, and just chatting with Richy and Marie. Oh, and also cutting Marie's hair.