Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Battle of the Grey!

The debate the other day was if the hair I picked off my shoulder was grey or blonde. I decided definitely grey. Nicole (co-worker) argued that it must be blonde. Here's a picture to see for yourself. Ok, I know, bad photo. But I have to admit, it was a little shocking. I mean, I know I have those temple grey hairs that start to appear randomly but.... one falling on my shoulder! What's next?! (Don't answer that)


Darilyn said...

yeah, unfortunately since you are related to ME. I KNOW it's grey.

Merilee said...

looks blonde to me

Krista Lou Cook said...

Merilee- I always knew you were smart!

Kellie said...

Hi Krista! Thanks for letting me know about your blog. Please feel free to check out mine at www.kellamina.blogspot.com

I have been fighting the grays for a while, but I think you can assume it is blonde...

Megan Alder's sis Corinne is one of my pals so I sometimes read her blog, too. Isn't this fun?

Krista Lou Cook said...

Hey Kellie! I am so happy you ventures along. I am really enjoying this method of communication!