During my stay in Oregon my sister and I and Heidi and Emma took a day trip to Seaside Oregon. Darilyn had been wanting to show me this town for a while now. I love the beach! Of course I could not object to the excursion!
On the drive down we stopped at the Roadkill Jerky Stand. The name of the stand should have kept us away, but luckily Darilyn knew better. They had salmon, bison, elk, venison, and beef. We settled for the venison teriaky (or was it elk?) and a bag of cherries. Emma, Darilyn and I went through he jerky pretty fast and realized Heidi went through the whole bag of cherries just as fast. We had to laugh at the red stained lips of Heidi as she gave us her impish smile!
The little town of Seaside is so great! I love the small town feel with the beach boardwalk entertainment. Emma loved the carousel while we had to almost drag Heidi out of the 25 cent arcade. Luckily we ran out of quarters before too much damage could be done! The weather was chilly and of course we did not bring our sweatshirts. (we are in Oregon, why didn't we think of that!) We ended getting some great deals and purchased some cute touristy ones.
Emma on the Carousel
We spent an hour or so lounging and playing on the beach. The wind was blowing pretty hard but that did not deter us. Afterwards we piled back in the car and enjoyed a nice drive home.
Heidi loves the Sand
Modeling our sweatshirts (except Emma, she did not want to get it dirty.)
That picture of you with E and H is so funny. I wonder if people will think you are really that small?
Krista I love checking out your blog. Your pictures are always so interesting. It seems like you have a great relationship with your sister. I always wished I had a sister.
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